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Purposeful Leadership Programme (PLP)

Are you delivering the results you need?

Are you achieving the success and fulfilment you desire?

Do you need to adopt a different approach to leadership?

This is where the PLP can help.

Most leadership development programmes focus only on developing the skills to lead people, ignoring the foundations on which these skills are based. That is, they build a house on sand.

This is where the Purposeful Leadership Programme (PLP) is different. The PLP not only equips you with leadership skills that will instantly help you be more effective, it will also enable you to develop your foundations for Showing Leadership into the future. This means developing your identity, your purpose, and your practice for delivering the results needed, whilst also helping you achieve the success and fulfilment you are seeking.

Through the PLP you will use the power of ‘The 3 Questions’®    to develop a:

  1. Stronger and more authentic sense of identity that enables you to ‘show up’ as the best version of yourself in all situations.
  2. Clearer sense of purpose which guides you in terms of the value you are seeking to add.
  3. Well tuned practice for showing leadership where you are intentional about how you invest your finite time and energy each day.

Learn more about the PLP here…

Most leadership development programmes focus only on developing the skills to lead people, ignoring the foundations on which these skills are based. That is, they build a house on sand.

This is where the Purposeful Leadership Programme (PLP) is different. The PLP not only equips you with leadership skills that will instantly help you be more effective, it will also enable you to develop your foundations for Showing Leadership into the future. This means developing your identity, your purpose, and your practice for delivering the results needed, whilst also helping you achieve the success and fulfilment you are seeking.

Through the PLP you will use the power of ‘The 3 Questions’®    to develop a:

  1. Stronger and more authentic sense of identity that enables you to ‘show up’ as the best version of yourself in all situations.
  2. Clearer sense of purpose which guides you in terms of the value you are seeking to add.
  3. Well tuned practice for showing leadership where you are intentional about how you invest your finite time and energy each day.

Learn more about the PLP here…

Who is the PLP for?

Whether tailored to the needs of your organisation or via our open programme, the PLP is deliberately designed for professionals who are searching for a new approach to leadership. It is for those leaders who  have come to realise that their current approach isn’t delivering the results they need, and so something different is required.

If you feel that you’re not quite achieving what you want. Or, you believe there has to be something more than what you are experiencing today, then the PLP is for you. Through joining the programme you will embark on a new path for your leadership and life. You will get to focus on strengthening your foundations for achieving the success and fulfilment you are seeking.

Becoming a Purposeful Leader starts here…

Unlike other leadership development, the PLP  focuses on helping you maximise the value you add whilst achieving the success and fulfilment you are seeking. Through the journey of the PLP you will get to not only learn more about yourself, but you will also build greater courage and conviction in your leadership.

To learn more about the PLP please email